If something needs doing in your house, are you the
sort of person who gets it done straight away, or are you more likely to put it
off until a later date? According to a
survey, the results of which were published in The Times a couple of weeks back, we have become a society addicted
to postponing household tasks – not so much a nation as a procrasti-nation!
adults were surveyed by Crucial.com,
apparently, and three quarters confessed to having this problem. The domestic tasks that were most often
delayed included filing documents, ironing, vacuuming, cleaning the toilet and
washing the car. The ‘winner’ however
was cleaning the oven, which 56% of people said they were likely to put off
until the last minute.
The survey also described the effect that
this procrastination of tasks had on people, and particularly on their
marriages. Leaving tasks
incomplete not only makes us feel bad, it provokes regular arguments with
partners. Over a quarter of the UK find they argue with partners about
unfinished tasks around the home at least once a week. Men and women respond
very differently to the pressure, with men admitting that they just wish their
partner would stop bringing up the subject (31%) or occasionally be just that
bit more understanding (27%). Women on the other hand overwhelmingly want their
men to be more helpful (42%) or take control of the situation (27%).
your house is like – please don’t ask Linda about ours – we would all agree
that the stress produced by putting things off is unnecessary. But putting things off in other areas of our
lives however can be more dangerous. For
example, we are always told to be watching our body and to be alert for
symptoms of various diseases that need to be caught quickly. Delaying going to the doctor can have serious
with some things it is even more important that we act quickly. That is certainly true when it comes to how
we respond to the message of the Bible.
We may have read the Bible a lot, have listened to many sermons and have
a good understanding of the Christian message.
We may have owned up to the inescapable fact that we are sinful, and
considered the claim of the Bible that in Jesus Christ and in Him alone, we can
find forgiveness and peace with God. But
we may have put off making a decision to submit to Him and come in faith and
repentance that we might have eternal life.
Perhaps we are like Felix whose story is told in Acts 24. After hearing the Apostle Paul challenging
him to believe in Jesus, Felix sent Paul away and said he would hear him again
when it was convenient.
far as we know there was never a convenient time for Felix, and so he died,
unforgiven, and went to a lost eternity.
Don’t be like him! Listen to the
Bible when it says; “Behold, now is the
accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” (2 Corinthians
6:2). Don’t delay, come to Jesus today!
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